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Complete Kitchen Solutions Case Study


Mitch’s main problem was that he wanted to scale his company and even though he had the manpower/staff to fulfil jobs there simply weren’t as many jobs for the company. Thus, he needed as many qualified leads as possible to scale the business from $400k monthly revenue to $600k+ CAD. Dezino was consulted to help achieve this goal. The company tried advertising however most of the leads they received were not qualified and outside lawn signs few sales were being made.

challenges & objectives

There were a number of challenges that made it difficult for Mitch to achieve his objective of scaling the business to past half a million dollars in sales per month. Specifically the main challenge was getting enough serious leads instead of tire kickers. This was due to both the website and advertising both lacking. The website was lacking key elements to help build trust for new visitors such as and the Facebook & Google Ads were lacking in terms of generating leads let alone qualified leads. The company requested the help of Dezino to overcome these challenges and achieve the aforementioned objectives.


Complete Kitchen Solutions (CKS) is a Kitchen & Renovation Company based in Toronto Canada owned by Mitch. They help renovate home kitchens, bathrooms, basements and more all from A-Z. Dezino started working with them back in October 2022 and continues to work with them to this day.

solution / how we helped

Dezino helped Complete Kitchen Solutions by first analyzing the website and advertising to see what was wrong with them and what they were lacking compared to their competitors (e.g. AGM Kitchens). Additionally thorough research was done on audience targeting including a number of factors such as specific locations in the Greater Toronto Area and the average monthly income and spending amount in each of those locations averages from a number of different sources. Furthermore a list was compiled breaking down the competitive advantages that CKS had (e.g. financing) which Dezino would then convey in a concise manner on the site and ads. All of this was put forth in the form of various documents/gameplans such as this:

From there graphic designs were created for the website the ads and social media and the site and social media pages were revamped accordingly. Using the gallery below you can view images and videos of what the website looked like before vs after it was revamped as well as view snippets of results from the ads.

While not everything can be shared to protect the strategies we can share snippets of the results and examples of keywords and audiences that were targeted as well as the graphics used to target them.



Thanks to the better website and better advertising Complete Kitchen Solutions was able to see an increase in the number of qualified leads. The key word is qualified. Instead of a <1% conversion rate they were able to get to a 20% conversion rate meaning for every 10 leads 2 would convert. While this was still not perfect it was a night and day difference and made the whole ad expenditure more than worthwhile. As a result of this better conversion rate the customer acquisition cost fell from $929 to around $65 in less than 3 months. This allowed the company to break through the $400k barrier and reach $600k. Thanks to continued optimizations to the site and advertising among other marketing channels now the company is approaching the 7 figures mark in monthly revenue just 2 years later.

"They are willing to assist us even when things are slightly outside of their assigned tasks."




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